D1 Board photos (in class)

2013-10-09 10.51.20


PHOTOS from 09/10/2013 (Vocab added to the googledocs list)


This photo has been copied into google drive.


2013-10-09 10.51.47 2013-10-09 10.53.1304/09/2013 ETLV & LV1 : a vocab list is HERE

Photos ETLV for the brainstorm

2013-09-04 10.50.36 2013-09-04 10.51.05 2013-09-04 10.51.18And now the photos LV1 – description of a house

2013-09-04 11.35.56 2013-09-04 11.35.25 2013-09-04 11.16.36 2013-09-04 11.16.27 2013-09-04 11.16.22 2013-09-04 11.16.08